Regents Earth Science Test Preparation Practice

    Solar System Data

    Base your answers to questions 1 on the diagram below, which represents the current locations of two planets, A and B, orbiting a star. Letter X indicates a position in the orbit of planet A. Numbers 1 through4 indicate positions in the orbit of planet B.

    seasons-and-astronomy, the-solar-system, standard-6-interconnectedness, models fig: esci62012-exam_w_g56.png


    Base your answers to questions 4 on the diagrams below. The diagrams represent the events that occur when a large meteor, such as the one believed to have caused the extinction of many organisms, impacts Earth’s surface. Diagram A shows the meteor just before impact. Diagram B represents the crater forming, along with the vapor and ejecta (the fragmented rock and dust) thrown into the atmosphere.

    seasons-and-astronomy, asteroids-comets-and-meteors, earth-history, standard-1-math-and-science-inquery, geocentric-model-heliocentric-model, standard-6-interconnectedness, models fig: esci62012-exam_w_g40.png


    Base your answers to questions 8 on the graph below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The graph shows the closest distance between Earth and Mars during each year from 2001 to 2035. Distances are measured in astronomical units (AU). One AU equals the average distance from Earth to the Sun.

    seasons-and-astronomy, the-solar-system, standard-1-math-and-science-inquery, velocity-slope-sediment-size-channel-shape-stream-valume-distance-from-the-sun-gravitational-force-period-of-revolution-speed-of-revolution, standard-6-interconnectedness, patterns-of-change fig: esci12018-examw_g36.png


    Base your answers to questions 10 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The diagram represents a planetary system, discovered in 2013, with seven exoplanets (planets that orbit a star other than our Sun) labeled b through h orbiting a star. The exoplanet orbits are represented with solid lines. For comparison, the orbits of three planets of our solar system are shown with dashed lines. The sizes of the star, exoplanets, and planets are not drawn to scale.

    seasons-and-astronomy, the-solar-system, standard-6-interconnectedness, models fig: esci62017-exampwr_g36.png


    Base your answers to questions 11 on the diagram and passage below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The diagram represents the orbits of Earth, Comet Tempel-Tuttle, and planet X, another planet in our solar system. Arrows on each orbit represent the direction of movement.

    seasons-and-astronomy, asteroids-comets-and-meteors, seasons-and-astronomy, the-solar-system, standard-1-math-and-science-inquery, geocentric-model-heliocentric-model fig: esci62019-examw_g39.png

    Comet Tempel-Tuttle

    Comet Tempel-Tuttle orbits our Sun and is responsible for the Leonid meteor shower event observed from Earth. This meteor shower occurs every year in November and is visible in the night sky as Earth passes through the debris left in space by this comet. The debris from the comet produces meteors that are smaller than a grain of sand, which enter Earth’s atmosphere and burn up in the mesosphere temperature zone. Comet Tempel-Tuttle’s orbital distance from the Sun ranges from about 145 million kilometers at its closest approach to 2900 million kilometers at its farthest distance. Its two most recent closest approaches to the Sun occurred in 1965 and one revolution later in 1998.


    Base your answers to questions 12 on the diagram in image provided and on your knowledge of Earth science. The diagram represents the Moon’s orbit around Earth as viewed from space above Earth’s North Pole (NP). Letter A represents one position of the Moon in its orbit.


    Base your answers to questions 13 on the geologic timeline below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The geologic timeline, drawn to scale, represents Earth’s geologic history. The letters A through H on the timeline represent the times of occurrence for specific, labeled geologic events. The time of occurrence for letter A has been omitted.

    geologic-history, reference-tables, earth-history, evolution-of-life-forms-and-the-free-oxygen-in-the-atmosphere, standard-1-math-and-science-inquery, changing-length-of-a-shadow-based-on-the-motion-of-the-sun, standard-6-interconnectedness, models fig: esci12017-examw_g32.png


    Base your answers to questions 14 on the geologic cross section below, which represents a portion of Earth’s crust. Some rock units contain index fossils. Box A indicates a missing portion of the cross section.

    earth-history, earth-history, relative-age-and-sequence-of-rock-strata, standard-6-interconnectedness, models fig: esci62012-exam_w_g62.png


    Base your answers to questions 15 on the graph in image provided and on your knowledge of Earth science. The graph shows planet equatorial diameters and planet mean distances from the Sun. Neptune is not shown.
